A farmer and rural advocate with lifelong ties to his community, Rep. Stambaugh owns and operates a 200-acre bicentennial family farm in Green Park, Perry County. He supports measures that will greatly increase rural residents’ access to high-speed Internet service and backs state constitutional reforms, such as implementing term limits, electing state appellate judges on a district (not statewide) basis, and eliminating property taxes to fund schools.

Stambaugh currently sits on the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Energy, Finance, and Transportation committees, including as Republican vice chairman of the Energy Committee and Republican chairman of the Transportation Subcommittee on Public Transportation.
Before becoming state representative in 2021, Stambaugh spent his professional career as a rural and agricultural magazine editor on local, statewide, and national levels, notably with Pennsylvania Farmer magazine (merged into American Agriculturist as of 2000); Penn Lines magazine, published by the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association; and RE Magazine, produced by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

An Eagle Scout, he is a member of the Perry County Farm Bureau Board of Directors, Perry County Bicentennial Committee, Perry County Chamber of Commerce, Perry County Friends of Scouting Breakfast Committee, Landisburg Lions Club, Madison Grange No. 2064, The Perry Historians, Washingtonburg Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, and Historical Society of Perry County.

Stambaugh has two adult sons and six grandchildren.